A season of firsts...

Alright, so I've had about a billion and one blog ideas in the recent days past with zero time to "pen" them all (or any of them!). Our days/weeks have been FULL...Fall is back in full swing at the church which has required Mommy and Daddy to make some new adjustments! While Fall is by far my favorite season of the year, it is also a very stressful turn-around time at work. It's like all of a sudden - boom - families are back into the normal "routine" and classrooms are overflowing with kids...GREAT things, but it literally all happens in a week! In addition to a "busier season" at church, anything that resembles free time has been filled with family and friends. So all this to say, the schedule has been FULL leaving little time to blog (although there have been multiple
times I've wanted to but hit the couch and can hardly move!) but also leaving our hearts FULL :)

And speaking of seasons (busy one, fall, etc.), this is also a season of firsts with our Caby Baby...
Everyday, I wake up excited for the adventures that each new days holds.

Most firsts have been very exciting (please don't mind all of my record keeping of dates but this blog has become something like a modern baby book!)...

First roll - 6/24/2010 for his Pap Pap while Mommy was busy at VBS. I was SO bummed I missed it but glad they told me he had done it b/c the next morning when he woke up, he was on his belly! Glad someone experienced it...but that's how the rolling began. He was our "phantom roller" only performing at nighttime in his crib...for a few weeks. Since then, his preferred time of rolling is on the changing table...or in the bathtub. Tasks that were once very easy and sweet have become quite the battle. Have I mentioned that Caleb is strong? And yes, I mention again...not only in physical strength but in will! I once heard a quote that said to "cherish even the things you think you won't miss." So yes, I am trying very hard to cherish those changing table escapades and bathtime battles and hey, I must say that keeping a very adventurous 20 lb. 8 month old safe from himself is making for one strong mama!

First time sleeping on his belly - 7/4/2010 on vacation in Canada! With this date also enters Caleb, super restless rolly polly sleeper. After a week of freaking out every time he rolled on his belly, he got a hang of rolling back and forth...and that's what he does...all night long. Back.belly.back.belly. - from one end of the crib to the next. But my favorite of course is when I catch him with his little hiney up in the air (if there are any fh girls reading this blog, "big booty" has become a favorite of Caleb's!). At first, these new sleeping habits stressed me out a bit as I was constantly waking checking on Caleb's "crib status" (praise God for video monitors even though Caleb often "disappears" from our view!) but I have grown accustomed and can picture him being one of those little boys that is turned completely around all wrapped up in his blankets when he's in a big boy bed!

First time sitting up - somewhere in the vicinity of 8/23ish...he had been getting really strong on his own and then all of a sudden, he was just good to go with no help. And how cute are they when they sit up so proud?!? But it's like all of a sudden, he looked so little to be doing such big things - another thing that I believe characterizes our Caby. He's got BIG personality for being such a little (in age as he is far from little in his size) dude! Ah, precious one :)

But some firsts, while exciting, come with not-so-exciting firsts on the side...

Like, his first tooth - that sort of broke through simultaneously with sitting up! But teething has also brought about his first fever (believe it or not in our early 'bout of sickness with Caleb, he never ran a fever!).

And then there are those firsts that we worked so hard for but were bittersweet when they actually happened...like first time Caleb decided he didn't want his Mommy to rock him to sleep anymore. A good independent sleeper has been a high priority for Kenny and I as we both LOVE our sleep, but I must say I grieved those first few naps and bedtimes that Caleb pushed me away lunging for his crib! Nights he actually falls alseep nursing I stay..and rock...for a looooong time, cherishing those moments.

But some firsts are only temporary like the aforementioned sleeping habits b/c it seems as fast as Caleb began to peacefully drift off to sleep quickly and happily on his own, he started teething again (and is struggling much more with these top 2!) and putting up an all out battle against naps...and while he still prefers to be laid down in his crib at night, he's discovered another first in these past few days...going from laying down to sitting up...and just last night and today, pulling himself from sitting to standing. Have I mentioned he hasn't crawled yet? And I'm beginning to wonder if we might just skip right over that little step? So now bedtime has become baby acrobatics that go something like this...I lay Caleb down, Caleb immediately rolls over and pushes himself up, the next moment he is PROUDLY sitting straight up but only for a moment b/c in the next moment, he is lunging himself towards the bumpers to pull himself up to standing. But little dude is only 7 1/2 months and not quite strong enough to be performing such acrobatics but
where he lacks in ability, he makes up in his will...so he will not give up easily. But Mommy to the rescue...laying Caleb back down much to his dismay before he crashes into the crib and wall. We did this juggling act for about an hour the other night before he gave in. Whew...cherish even those things you don't think you'll miss, right? Ha!

No, really - what a FUN season of life to be in, the season of firsts, and all "falling" place in my favorite season of the year. But if there is anything I've learned as a new Mommy so far, it is this - get used to no season! B/c as soon as you think you've "got it," a new season is ready to usher in. And I've found that when looking back on seasons that seemed hard in the midst of them, they suddenly do not quite seem so bad (and there are even parts of them that you miss!)

But if there is anything I want to reiterate time and time again b/c I just don't think there are words to fully capture this journey is WHAT JOY - I've never known a joy so deep :)...and that's a feeling that transcends all seasons!


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