
(While I'm posting the below post now July 29, it is actually a Rewind<< from last Tuesday, July 19th)

I'm not sure what it is about Tuesdays that inspires me to want to blog. Well, honestly, I often want to blog, it's the finding the time to do it that is the hard part! Perhaps the inspiration is especially high on Tuesdays b/c it is the one day of the week I spend in the office, so 1)I have a total of 1 1/2 hours of reflective time in the car (and that is if there is no traffic!) 2)I get SO much accomplished in those uninterrupted hours at work that I am able to blog into the wee hours of the night instead of work, and 3)I just simply miss my little guy, so am thinking of and about him all day long. So normally on the Tuesday drive home, my mind is contemplating that evening's blog entry. Today on the way home, I pondered finishing a blog post I started a few weeks back to catch BlogWorld up on what we've been up to b/c let's face it, soon that post is going to be way outdated (although I do have a profound lesson I learned those busy weeks that I've been trying to piece together into words)! Then, part of me wanted to abandon that post all together and write a more fun post entitled something like "Choo Choo Trains, Canada, Fountains, Camping, and the Blueberry Buffet" to capture all of the adventures we've been on as of lately. BUT THEN, Caby had his own idea for a post that would trump all other posts...

Because tonight, my BlogWorld Family and Friends, Caleb Kenneth Coombs POOPED ON THE POTTY! And such an event calls for cheers, celebrations, and yes, even it's very own blog post that trumps all the other deeply profound posts I had pondered all day long (Caleb, I apologize that someday you might read this and see that I announced your first poop into all of cyberspace! Lucky for you, I have no picture to document this momentous milestone!).

Am I trying to potty train Caleb this young? No, not at all. In fact, I'd say this is more of a "potty train by fault" kind of a moment. This is how it all went down...

EVERY night when I plop Caleb into the tubby (isn't it funny the nicknames we come up with everyday activities once we have kids!) and his feet hit that warm water, he immediately pees and is PROUD of it. And EVERY night when he does this, I ask him where he will pee when he's a big boy. And EVERY night, he enthusiastically responds to my question by pointing to the potty. We both agree and move along with spashing, swimming, and all other water sports that a bath has become!

So finallllly this week, it occurred to me that I might as well just sit Caleb on the potty before I put him into his "bath bath" (there's another one!). If nothing else, it would be a good introduction to the potty! So that's what I did. I would sit him on the potty and cheer for what a big boy he was. He would call for Daddy and sit proudly on that porecelain throne for his cheers as well!

THEN tonight as he sat there pointing out his beloved Elmo (yes, the Elmo obsession has begun!) and other characters on his potty seat and I was asking him if he had to go pee pee, we heard a plop plop in the potty. Kenny and I were SHOCKED! Of course, Caleb acted like he had been doing this all his life, but thought it was quite fun when we started cheering, giving high fives, and dancing like he had just scored the winning touchdown in a football game or something! Completely unprepared, I had no special treats, no stickers to properly reward such a big boy behavior, but lucky for me, flushing the toilet (with a wave of course) was reward enough for my little man.

So there you have it - the blog post the trumps all other inspiration this Tuesday. And no picture to accompany it b/c like I said, it was all on a whim with no real expectation! On a more warm fuzzies note, I did make it home from work just in time to go puddle jumping during the storm under a big rainbow. There was an awesome Summer downpour accompanied by a HUGE rainbow - how in the world could I pass up such an opportunity to introduce Caleb to puddle jumping? Ah, these really are the days! :)

(Since I wrote this above post almost 2 weeks ago, Caleb has continued to ONLY poop on the potty, and has even told me twice during the day that he had to go, which has been great as we have been battling a bad diaper rash this week...maybe our diaper rash days will be over sooner than later! Below's video is a conversation about our day today, which included a potty celebration!)


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