Judah Michael Coombs, "Let God be Praised!" Part 2

1 hour later...

I was most definitely in labor and as my Mom left so we could tuck Caleb in, I warned her to stay close to her phone because after a day of lots of contracting but little progress, I felt like this could actually finally be the real deal.

1 hour later...

Caleb was tucked in and I was asking Kenny to start timing contractions.  It only took a few measurements to see that I was in a consistent pattern with short contractions that coupled one on top of the other.  While contractions weren't lasting long, they were quickly getting more intense with very little rest in between, soooooo can you guess where I headed next?

Shower, of course.

Kenny in the supportive-time-the-contractions-husband role asked if I wanted him to sit in the bathroom and continue to track contractions, and I in the I-am-super-momma-and-can-handle-this role tried to play it cool and said, "No, I'll be fine..."

5 minutes later...

I changed my mind as I found myself gripping the rack in the shower and bracing myself every time a contraction came.  It was clear that the shower was not slowing this show down, so I called our midwife as I was still wrapped in a towel.  Little did we know that the maternity floor was packed so after about a half hour, our midwife got a free moment to call us back and told us to come join the party at any time!  My Mom and Dad, who had been on standby, made their trek up the hill to our house sometime just after midnight as we gathered up all of our things to head to the hospital to hopefully meet our baby boy VERY soon!

Did I mention that my Mom and Dad were supposed to leave for vacation days before but were postponing until their newest grandson decided to make his arrival?  Needless to say, we were all anxious.  My Dad plopped himself onto the couch and advised me to "just get the drugs this time" as my Mom grinned ear to ear.  Looking at her, I knew that Kenny and I would not be the only ones with a sleepless night...

30 minutes driving in the car in labor...enough said.

When we parked in the ER, I "kindly" rushed Kenny in grabbing our bags as I just wanted to get settled in.  I had few words but waved off the offer for a wheelchair and slowly with many stops kept making our trek back up to that familiar place we had been the morning before.  We were admitted into a beautiful riverview room and greeted by a wonderful nurse.  I was about to change to don the ever attractive hospital gown, when I remembered we needed one last "pregnant photo."  Once we got it to remember that torpedo belly forever, I settled in for the dreaded "30 minutes on the monitors"...

I do not remember my labor with Caleb being quite so intense so fast.  For this reason alone, I was anxious to see where we were "starting" because I felt like I HAD to be making some good progress.  The midwife was so extremely busy with lots of mommas in active labor that she was not able yet to stop by so the head nurse on shift came in to check me because based on the intensity I was experiencing, they wanted to know if they needed to prepare soon for a baby's arrival.  As they prepared to check me, they talked...

Said head nurse..."We need to check to make sure she's not like 8 cm and we need to get things prepared..."

Responded my nurse..."I would guess she's at least 5/6 if not more..."

Said head nurse..."3 centimeters"

Said already tired Momma..."YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"

The nurses asked my "wishes" for labor, and we replied that we'd like to try for a natural labor, but I threw in at the end that if things continued slowly with the intensity I was experiencing, I may have second thoughts.  Flashback to my marathon labor with Caleb...as much as I desired a natural labor, I also desired NOT to start motherhood this time around with the extreme exhaustion I started with Caleb.  Regardless, I was determined to TRUST again in God's perfect timing and with His strength, give it the best whirl I could...  I mean I DID pass kidney stones while pregnant...how bad could this be?!

After I was released from the monitors, I stood up to find that exactly mirroring Caleb's labor, I had INTENSE pain in my legs.  Intense does not do this pain justice.  I can't even explain it but I knew that I was not going to be able to do much walking or standing this labor.  In fact, ANY time I stood upright during a contraction, I lost everything in my stomach including that apple I had forced down right before leaving the house to hopefully give me energy for the long haul before entering the "L&D clear liquids only floor"...so much for that!  The nurse mentioned that the baby was not in a great position and that is why my contractions had been coupling earlier.  I'm thinking that it has to be my short torso combined with carrying large babies that put me into the intense leg labor due to the baby's position during both of my births.  At this point, I remember feeling a little discouraged and sent out a text to my Momma and sister with a very brief update and plead to just pray...both of them would know exactly what I meant about the leg pain based from witnessing it with Caleb.  The text went out somewhere around 2:30 in the morning and at this point, time became a complete blur...

Not being able to stand or walk is pretty counter productive to the desire for a natural drug-free labor, so I decided to go with what I thought was probably the 2nd best option -- the whirpool.  Oh the sweet, sweet relief of the whirpool tub taking the pressure off my legs!  In fact I was able to position the exact spots I was feeling the most intense pain directly with the jets.  Finally, I felt like I was able to "relax" (and by relax, I mean NOT tense up my entire body in pain) and kept trying to tell myself to let go of any fear and just let my body do it's thing!

Because the L&D floor was hopping with activity that night, we were pretty much left to our own devices (which we actually preferred!).  Our nurse popped in once to do a quick spot check on the baby's heartbeat and to let us know that she would be heading in to assist with a C-section.  The whirpool was my best friend, and I only hopped out every now and then to take a seat...on the "throne".  Ah, yes, we spent the bulk of Judah's labor in the little bathroom of an otherwise fairly large and nice room.

Remember the ever-supportive-time-the-contractions-husband?  He was still my supportive man but definitely had an easier role this birth than our first go around....well, at least for a little.  Other than asking for his help so I wouldn't slip getting in out of the tub or having him grab my water bottle and some lavender oil, my man relaxed by me in our little labor bathroom.  I think I may have caught him dozing off here and there a few times, but I was in "my zone."  Every now and then I'd kind of look at him in desperation and tell him I was really tired, and he'd jump right up to give me an encouraging word, but for the most part I was focused and determined.  Kenny has made each of our boys a music mix that I labored to and then each mix has become the boys' bedtime music.  I cherish both of these mixes.  As I listen to these songs every single night, I am blessed with so many sweet memories of bringing these boys into the world and of our first moments together.  So while most of the world was sleeping, there we were with our whirpool, music, and lavender...sounds like a serene picture, doesn't it?

As I mentioned previously, time quickly became a blur, so I am not sure how long the peaceful picture above lasted.  I am guessing maybe 2 hours?!  Regardless how long, it was about to change and change drastically...

It was right about this time that our midwife was finally able to come and check on us.  I looked at her and told her that I was pretty sure something had just drastically changed.  With every contraction, I wanted to throw my body back.  And the noise, oh the noise...  Up until this point and with my entire labor with Caleb, I was a pretty quiet laborer, but no way, not any more.  I was loud, very, very loud.  I was the kind of loud that made the mommas checking in afraid.  Groaning, moaning, and downright screaming!  I think I might have even scared Kenny!  For some reason this time, this helped me cope.  The midwife assured me I could keep on laboring however long I wanted in that tub...I just couldn't deliver the baby there.  She gave us some more "coping techniques," mostly which involved Kenny's counterpressure to me thrusting my body back with each contraction.  Sweet as he is, Kenny graciously had his arms smashed, twisted, etc. and did not complain a bit, but at one time between contractions, I looked at him and acknowledged that I was not the only one in pain (I told you his time was coming!).  SO, I decided I was ready to get out and move to the bed and in the midst of this craziness, I entered that crazy transition time in birth...

You know, the time where you tell your husband you want out of the tub and then very quickly change your mind that you want in the tub...music up/music down...water/NO WATER...pressure/NO pressure/WHERE DID YOU GO WITH THAT PRESSURE?!....take off my glasses/put them back on NOW...can you go get me my slippers in the other room/WHERE ARE YOU?!  I KNEW I was in transition but just couldn't help myself...I was IN transition.

Well we finally made it to the bed as my noise level continued to rise.  I was trying to be brave, really I was.  I wanted to wait for the nurse to come to us.  But finally, I looked at Kenny and said, "Call the nurse.  If I am not close, I am done."  I think I honestly was trying to be brave and wait for them to come to me rather than call them because as much as I wanted to be close, I felt like I probably was not.  When we got there, I was SURE I was further along than 3 centimeters, but I was not.  I really had not labored for too many hours since then and based with my Caleb experience, I did not think that I would progress quickly.  Our nurse was still in the C-section, so the head nurse quickly came (especially when she heard the sounds coming from our room!).  I was relieved/excited/thrilled when she responded calmly as could be with a big smile, "OF COURSE you want to quit.  Everyone wants to quit at 8 centimers..."

3-8 in just a few hours, yessssss!  It was just the boost I needed - I could do this, I would do this.  But the pain, oh the intense pain.  The room got crowded quickly as the nurse shared with the midwife and others coming to fill in for our nurse who was still elsewhere that "your girl is ready."  When our midwife came to my side, she was like an angel.  The leg and back labor was at the peak of its intensity at this point, so when a contraction would come, I would literally yell out, "BACK!" or "LEGS!"  The midwife would respond directly to my cries by positioning me, massaging, using pressure all the while encouraging me (she even told me my noises were good noises, haha!).  I was literally all over the place - on all fours, squatting, on my side, on my back.  I remember asking at some point how I would be able to push in the midst of that crazy pain, but somewhere in the midst of all these acrobatics, I started pushing.  Much to my surprise, pushing was the BEST part of labor.  It eased the intense pain I felt everywhere else.  Even the crowning and "ring of fire" was relief from the back and legs.  It really is amazing how God created our bodies to "just know" what to do.  From the moment I left the tub, much is a blur, but somehow it just seemed like it flowed.  God created our bodies with this incredible, innate knowledge of knowing what to do and when to do it...there was very little coaching...mostly just encouragement and support to let me body finish this most amazing process.

Once again, I have absolutely no clue what time it was when I started pushing or how long I pushed for, but all of a sudden a beautiful sunrise could be seen through our riverview room as our midwife remarked "It's a beautiful morning to have a baby!"  Suddenly, Kenny looked out the window and this blur of time and now daylight got to him.  Got to him as in he suddenly got white as a ghost and our wonderful nurse advised him to SIT DOWN QUICKLY.  And there in the middle of pushing with the nurse on one side and the midwife on the other, the nurse buzzes out over the intercom with a "We need some juice in here for Dad."  You can laugh...we do.  HOWEVER, I in this moment thought something terribly wrong was going on as Kenny was eager to jump back in but both women by my side said, "NO not yet, Dad" as they were intently focused "in my area!"  Thankfully all was well and Dad was back in the game after just a brief timeout...back in the game in time to see his newest little dude arrive.

It was about this time, I wanted to roll on my back and with just a few more pushes...he was here.

All 8 lbs, 13 oz and 21 inches of a beautiful baby boy.  

And even though this happened 5 months ago, I still smile at the absolute elation I felt in that moment.  Because of my marathon-didn't-end-as-we-had-hoped labor with Caleb, I never really experienced that "baby high" many speak of.  But boy did I ever experience it with Judah.  By far, it is one of the best, most amazing feelings I have and probably ever will experience in my entire life.  That feeling of accomplishing something you never thought possible paired with utter relief...add in the first moments with this brand new person that God has entrusted you with...it's a beautiful thing, a thing I was SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL FOR.  (Reading back over this, this description just doesn't seem to do this mountaintop feeling justice...I am just not sure there are words for it, but gosh, it was awesome!)

I think I kept saying over and over again to Kenny, "I am just so thankful, I am just SO thankful."  All those experiences I had hoped for and so desperately wanted to experience with Caleb's birth but never did-- like what it feels like to HAVE to push, what that infamous "ring of fire" really is like, and of course that "baby high" not to mention the amazing recovery from a natural birth.  I remember Kenny saying, "That was one of the coolest things I have ever experienced."  We were both OVERWHELMED with gratitude, so while we both were unsure when the midwife first asked what the baby's name was, a few hours later, "Judah Michael" seemed all to perfect - "Let God be praised."

And may God continually be praised through this little joy's life...


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