Hello BlogWorld!

Ok, so I've been toying around with this idea of starting a blog for quite some time (actually way back in my pregnancy), and today I officially start! So helllloooooooo World of Blogging! My main purpose for starting this journal of sorts is to remember all of the good, bad, exciting, mundane, happy, sad (you get the point) moments of this amazing journey of life, and especially parenthood. This past weekend, my sweet nephew Landon was born, and as I stared at his so small but ever perfect features, I was instantly taken back 6 weeks ago when my little guy made his debut. ...and all of a sudden, I was struck with this nostalgic sentiment. Yes, I know it was only 6 weeks ago, but there are just so many details that I do not want to forget. As I watched my sweet sister and her amazing hubby with their baby boy, I was taken back to those emotions that are still so fresh from 6 weeks ago - excitement, awe, exhaustion, overwhelmed. Then I came home to my sweet boy (that seemed somewhat of a giant compared to little Landon), and again, I was reminded of how I want to cherish each moment with him. So again, hellloooooo World of Blogging! Then the question came to mind - to go public or not? And it was a pretty easy answer. I have been SO encouraged by sharing in the journey of the sheer honesty of others' blogs, so I thought to myself if I share anything that might encourage someone else, why not? Plus, as many of you know me, I don't mind sharing my adventure. I love how each person's journey through life is so unique, and I think we have so much to learn from each other - I think that is why God encourages fellowship! So join me in this beautiful journey...I'm going to do my best to keep up with this, but if I'm honest with myself, I am currently struggling to keep up with life right now, so please do forgive me if I fall behind. I think my first few posts are going to begin on rewind, documenting my marathon of a labor and those blurry first weeks of becoming a Mommy. But before I go, I want to share some things I currently love about my sweet Caleb...

*his sweet smell...yummy!
*those chubby cheeks that I nibble all day long!
*baby smiles (still not sure if they are intended for us OR if they are in response to gas)
*those BRIGHT blue eyes that are loving to stare up at lights these days
*when that head begins to get heavy and snuggles in my shoulder
*the many noises he makes when he sleeps
*the faces he makes when he stretches his chubby arms over his head...soooo funny (I have to try to capture this on camera sometime!)
*and how could I leave out that full head of highlighted hair!


  1. Hope, I can't wait to hear about your journey as a new mom. It's sure to be an amazing one. I will be able to reminisce of Caydance and Delilah's younger days every time I read your entries. I look forward to the weeks to come!


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