Oh, Canada! ...boats, babies, babies, and belly bugs!

soooo I'm starting to realize a personal flaw as of late...I all too often get in these "I'm too far behind to start" ruts. I thought that after I finallllly got my labor story out, the blogs would just start rolling. Wrong! and then the weeks go by, and I suddenly feel like I'm too far behind to get started. And the blog is not the only place I've seen this flaw flare! No, there is evidence of it all over...
piles to go through

BUT first step to improving a flaw is realizing it...and admitting it! So no worries, I'm on the right road...and look! a blog update to jumpstart change :)

Soooo..CANADA! While we did take a roadtrip to New York in May for Kenny's birthday, this would be our first big extended vacation with Caleb. We were excited. We were nervous. After some very busy weeks of VBS prep, we needed a vacation in a bad way! But as we packed and we packed and we packed and we packed, all these questions started going through our heads -
Do we have everything we need?
How in the world will we pack all that we think that we need into the car?
How will Caleb do on the drive?
Will we even make it?
Do we have everything we need?
Will Caleb sleep in his pack and play?
Will Caleb sleep with a full cabin of family?
Will Caleb sleep?
Will we sleep?
Will this really feel like a vacation?
Do we have everything we need?

Annnnnd you get the point!

But we did have everything we need...and then some!
And Caleb did sleep...actually better than he had been at home (praise God!) As an aside, I never realized how much I LOVE sleep until I had Caleb and sleep became a very unpredictable thing. Wow - by far the hardest transition for me into motherhood!
And it did feel like a vacation!!! wellllll except for...

THE STOMACH BUG. UGH! The belly bug that Kenny and I passed back and forth - me a day, him a day, me a day, him a day. NO FUN! But my wise husband did point out that at least we were in a place where we had plenty of help with Caleb and could rest without the distractions of the above mentioned piles! And thaaaaankfully, Caleb and the rest of the full cabin avoided the stomach bug.

And a full cabin it was - Dad, Mom; Jerm, Stace, Grace, Austin, and Abbie; Kenny, me, and Cabe; and the big Myers Crew of 8 who shared the cabin during the day but retreated to their hotel in the evening. Oh and don't forget the two pups - Cleo and Merrell! But isn't that the joy of vacation...getting to spend uninterrupted time with family! There is just nothing like it! And what fun it was to have 3 babes together all under 9 months. Family sure does make life sweet.

So yes, despite the stomach bug...it was a wonderful retreat to one of the most beautiful places I know. We didn't do quite as much kayaking as we would have liked but got in lots of boating in Pap's new boat and looooots of river swimming, which Caleb looooved. Our little dude is quite the water bug, and we looooove it.

And HUGE milestone for Caleb - he started to roll, like really roll, in Canada! I think his big cousin Abbie taught him how as she was on the verge of crawling while we were there. But yes, Caleb had rolled a time or two here n there (the first time for which I was not present!). But all of sudden, he just started to roll...and roll...and roll. And rolling also led to the first time he slept on his belly. I love waking up everyday watching this lil guy grow and experience all of these 1sts - I don't think I have ever known so much joy!

Alright, the clock says 11:10 and my internal clock is telling me to jump into bed...fast! if I want to get all of that sleep that I looooove! So I was going to save this post as a draft and come back later to add some pictures and details, but no, I'm working on change, remember?

So here's to a new blog post...and pictures to follow...


Goodnight :)


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