This past Friday was our Caby Baby's 1/2 birthday! 6 months gone by already? No way! So in honor of these incredible 6 months comes a photo blog...

Actually, let's rewind// a little bit further back in time to Caleb's first picture! And wouldn't you know it...he was a little ball of love even at 11 weeks in the womb!

And then...THIS! Wow, God is amazing...

Ah, nothing like those first precious moments...

And then you blink and a 1/2 year has gone by...

Happy 1/2 Birthday to the little boy with bright eyes that lights up our lives!!!

Here's to a future of celebrating 1/2 birthdays!!! I think I've decided we will celebrate 1/2 birthdays with all sorts of halves - 1/2 day of school, eat 1/2 of dinner, 1/2 of a get the point :). As one of of my beloved college profs used to live by - look for any excuse to celebrate! I think I'll adopt this...what can you celebrate today? :)


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