Thankful for Turkey
A little overdue post but written back at Thanksgiving...REWIND

~peekaboo times
~his new interest in books
~his much improved sleeping habits
And so on Thanksgiving, I am thankful for Motherhood - it's a simply beautiful thing that in just these past 10 months has taught me and grown me in leaps and bounds.
Never, have I known such:
deep, unconditional love
And in all these things, God has revealed more of himself to me, and I don't know that I have ever depended on him like I have since becoming a Mommy.
Today, I am thankful for turkey.
Or I should say "a" turkey. For while I am incredibly thankful for the turkey we devoured today (my grandma makes the BEST turkey and stuffing!),
I am most thankful for this lil turkey...

I'm thankful for...
~his BIG.bright.eyes.
~those 6 teeth and the way they are starting to show when he smiles
~that little snooty smile he makes sometimes!
~his jabber - Mommmm, Mommmm; Dadadadada; Papapapapapap (not to be confused with pupupupup)
~the way his mouth mimicks sounds before they actually come out
~fishy kisses
~his BIG.bright.eyes.
~those 6 teeth and the way they are starting to show when he smiles
~that little snooty smile he makes sometimes!
~his jabber - Mommmm, Mommmm; Dadadadada; Papapapapapap (not to be confused with pupupupup)
~the way his mouth mimicks sounds before they actually come out
~fishy kisses
~peekaboo times

~his new interest in books
~his much improved sleeping habits
~his joy in discovering new things, going new places, and meeting new people
~his adventurous spirit!
~...and that ever unique "Caby Passion!"
But I'm also thankful for
~the not-so-good days that I text Kenny in extreme frustration
~the fussy nights
~the way my back hurts after a day of trying to carry him in all his squirminess (which also leads me to be thankful for bjorns!)
~when I hit the couch absolutely exhausted
Good Moments or Bad Moments - these are precious, irreplacable moments with a sweet baby boy who is growing up much too quickly.
And so on Thanksgiving, I am thankful for Motherhood - it's a simply beautiful thing that in just these past 10 months has taught me and grown me in leaps and bounds.
Never, have I known such:
deep, unconditional love
And in all these things, God has revealed more of himself to me, and I don't know that I have ever depended on him like I have since becoming a Mommy.
And so, I am thankful - deeply grateful to the One who is the source of our joy - the One who has blessed me and entrusted me with this sweet little turkey and daily gives me the strength to be a good steward of such an amazing gift!
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