Growing Pains

While you may think this title is referring to Caleb, it is actually in reference to ME! Don't get me wrong - C has been doing some growing, but other than a few teeth, it's been a pretty painless process. In fact, it's been quite the opposite of painful - it's been quite enjoyable watching him grow in so many ways. Me, on the other hand, have found myself in a "growing season," and it has been slightly painful...

It happens to all of us from time to time...we are joyfully skipping throuh life, content in the moment when BAM! up pops the stress monster to settle in heavily upon our shoulders. Ugh, I hate that ugly monster, and I feel like he has literally taken residence on my shoulders (just ask my chiropractor). It's been a stressful transition period at work - finances are stressful - and all of a sudden I find myself looking around our house completely overhwhelmed and disgusted at the organization. I've had multiple trips to the chiropractor - IBS attacks - and even spells of vertigo. Growing.Pains.

But there is something that these growing pains do that those "joyfully skipping through life seasons" don't - they make me cling to God's Word with a desperate urgency that is lacking when life is smooooooth sailing. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE God's Word in good times AND in difficult times, but the urgency is totally different. His Word is like nourishment - sustenance to me - survival if you will - in these seasons of growth. And in His Word is this little gem...

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." (James 1:2-4)

And that, my friends, is encouraging. That is worth it. I've been praying to be a better Mom, a better wife, and well let's face it, you just don't become the best you can be without some challenges!

And then there is this little And in this growing season, he is one of my heroes. He is a stress monster slayer! No matter how heavy that monster hoists itself around, he will NOT win the battle to cloud my vision with this little sunshine to brighten my days and lighten my load. And again, I find myself in awe in the way that God teachs us lessons through our little ones, and maybe even more so how He uses them for such big tasks in His Kingdom (like slaying stress monsters!).

And then there is this big We just celebrated four years of (mostly) wedded bliss. The picture above is actually at Eastern University, where we met! Over a dinner conversation with my parents the other evening, my Dad chucked, looked at Kenny, and said something to the sort of "Oh my, you have the patience of a saint." And well, he was RIGHT.ON. That stress monster often brings his trio Fear, Worry, and Lies with him, and Kenny has spoken TRUTH in patience taking care of Fear, Worry, and Lies. He too is my monster slayer!

And then there is this rocking chair. To the common eye, it might look like just a rocking chair. But this rocking chair is the epitome of peace to me. I've rocked on this chair with a gamut of different emotions. I can remember longingly rocking here anxiously awaiting Caleb's arrival. The entire room was ready, and he was the only thing missing! I can remember nine months of middle of the night feedings here. In fact, there are probably some exhausted tear stains in the fabric! I can remember spending the night here so I'd be close when Caleb was really sick at just a few months old. And this is the chair that we rock to every nap and goodnight still. Regardless of the emotions I've experienced, I've found myself at peace on this rocking chair. In the words of Winnie the Pooh, maybe this is my "Thoughtful Spot." What makes it even better is this picture of Aslan that watches over Caleb's crib and our rocking chair.

Everytime I stare at it, it is a reminder that "He is not safe, but He is good."


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