Today Preschool, Tomorrow World Changer

My dear sweet Caleb,

Tomorrow morning you begin preschool.  While it may seem insignificant to some...I mean I'm only leaving you for 2.5 hours 2 days a week...this is a totally significant thing for THIS MOMMA!  Up to this point, I've been your only teacher and your main playmate.  And to be quite honest, while you constantly remind me of the "HUGE BOY" you are becoming as you grow up, to me,  you are still my "baby boy." 

Caleb, as you meet your new teachers and make new friends, Daddy and I want you to know that we love you a ridiculous amount!  You have taught us a deeper meaning of love and have brought us a greater experience of joy than we could have ever imagined.

We want you to know that we measure success in a totally different way than the world does.  While we want you to learn and grow this year, we are not concerned whether or not you learn your ABC's, count to 20, or correctly identify your colors or shapes.  God has given you an incredible mind, and we know you will learn these things with no problem.  But our main concern is that you learn how to love...and show Jesus to everyone around you!

Caleb Kenneth Coombs, you are one little boy FULL of passion, and at the ripe age of 2.5 you haven't quite figured out how to always funnel this passion towards the positive.  When you are angry or frustrated, your passion flows right out through your screams and fists!  This has been a struggle for your Daddy and I, has made for a few "embarassing parenting moments," but we love the passion behind it.  We know when you figure out how to direct this passion towards the things that God cares about, you are going to be a world changer.  We've been speaking this over you since the day we found out God had blessed us with the opportunity to speak into a life like only a parent can.  In fact, God gave us your name before we ever knew you...

"But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it." - Numbers 14:24

Caleb, not everyone you meet will love God, but we pray that you will always follow Him WHOLEheartedly, and we believe God will use you to bring many to know Him!

In fact, just tonight you thanked God in your prayers that "He came down from Heaven to live with the people" after reading tonight in your "Jesus Storybook Bible" (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BIBLE!) that Jesus is our Rescuer.  In true 2 year old prayer style, you followed that up by thanking God for Elmo, who we got to spend some time with this weekend.  But Caleb, we believe God will use you is using you to "be Jesus" to the people here on Earth.

So sweet boy, I'll try not to shed tears as I drop you in the care of someone else tomorrow morning, but know I am praying that you will  We know you have a charming smile that will woo your teachers, but we pray they will be even more woo'ed by your passionate spirit.  You are one of the "big boys" of your watch out for the "babies" and be a helper to your teachers.

And whatever happens, NEVER LET ANYONE try to "calm" your passion.  Caleb, we don't want you to be a "good little boy" but a "GREAT MAN OF GOD!"

We love you sweet boy.

And oh, just one more thing to help bring peace to your fretting mother...promise me, you'll only have eyes for me for at least a little while longer!

Mommy Bugga Bugga


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