Raising a Warrior (Caleb's 3rd year REWIND)

In the past few months, we've been doing a bit of celebrating here in the Coombs household - Caleb turned 4, Judah a HALF YEAR, and me...well, I've crossed the ever elusive 30 year old threshold.  But today, let's celebrate Caleb...

But first things first...between MANY life transitions - preparing and introducing a new little life into our family - oh, and throw in a few house reno projects...the blog fell pretty silent for Caleb's third year, so let's take a little photo journey back over Caleb's 3rd year...

3 began with a bang as the little guy got the big news that he would be a...
There sure was lots to look forward to during year 3...
and Caleb was ready to experience it all full.speed.ahead.

Seriously, if you ask this kid to "please walk," it takes complete concentration...he'd rather run, jump, or leap to his destination!

3 year old Caleb showed us that our little boy was ALL boy...the dirtier, messier, the better!

Year 3 was full of such wonder, discover, and growing...
(oh, to experience life through their eyes!)

Over the course of 3, many favorites came and went as Caleb "outgrew" Diego and Dumbo and others and became drawn to any superhero figure out to fight the "bad guys" and save the world.  3 also began his collection of weapons...yeah, I had this vision that we would be mindful of "playing" with weapons, but this little dude learned the art of transforming anything, ANYTHING into a weapon.  There was just NO avoiding it...

3 year old Caleb moved into a big boy bed and became THE.BEST.BIG.BROTHER!  No, seriously, I could not even have imagined what an amazing big brother this little guy became in an instant.

But, I'll tell you what..

3 has not come without it's shares of challenges.  In fact, I would say in my 4 years as "Momma," 3 has far been the most difficult.  In fact, I found myself "not enjoying" a stage for the first time ever.  3 year old Caleb (and now 4 year old Caleb) has and is FULL OF ENERGY.  Filled to the brim - overflowing - with pure 120% little boy energy!  And gosh, I love this - I do, I DO - I mean it.  But it's exhausting.  He bounds from his bed asking "what we're doing, where we're going."  He wants entertained every second of every minute of every day.  He rarely wears himself out tossing and turning late into the night before he ever falls asleep.  Annnnnd I'll let your imagination picture how this energy plays out in an angry tantrum...

This kid - he's a natural born leader, but a 4 year old "leader" looks a little something like a bossy bully - DO IT MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!  He's aggressive (yes, there's that energy again).

And he is smart...he is oh, so very smart.  He hears everything, EVERYTHING even if he is rooms away engaged in something totally different.

His affinity towards superheroes is super appropriate because man, when he can channel this energy into something good, he really might change this world.  I truly, fully believe that in my Momma heart...

SO 3 has been this battle for me - how do I build character into this little guy without quenching his spirit?  How do I have him show respect yet "let a boy be a boy."  Seriously, I turned my back for 30 seconds after church the other week and literally turned around to find my boy bounding over pew to pew to pew because he was a secret spy training for a top secret mission.  On more than one occassion, I've had to walk back to the house for a different pair of shoes or change of clothes because he could not make it from the front door to the car without stepping into a huge pile of snow or mud puddle after stern direction to "STAY ON THE WALK!"  He climbs in the windowsill, stands on the tables, jumps from the top of couches...  I've had to apologize to other Moms for his behavior as I'm constantly faced with this struggle of what to do with this energy so he doesn't break himself, this house, his brother, or me?!

We've said it from days after meeting our sweet boy - he is passionate.  He is wild at heart.  My Momma told me the other week, "You are raising a warrior."  Indeed I am, and I want that wild warrior heart to grow and flourish, but how?  How do I set boundaries without trapping him in?  

3 years has brought so much growth to our little.boy.joy, but also to me.  My patience has been tested and I've learned to show grace (to him and to myself!).  I have sought grace time and time again as I struggle to find a happy balance for my superhero.  I have learned to let go of perfect expectation.  He IS only 4, He IS learning this thing called life - He IS NOT going to do it perfectly.  After I hit the pillow especially exhausted one night, I felt like God whispered to me, "Your Momma heart for your boy...I know what that feels like."  God - he wants righteousness for his children yet he walks with us in our journey.  God doesn't expect perfection but instead this transformation and molding process.  So I've been trying to live that out with Caleb - walking with him in this journey towards righteousness as his little boy uncontrollable energy transforms into a big boy, God-fearing, world-changing, warrior heart.

Because goodness, somewhere over the course of year 3, 
that baby face faded into the face of a little boy...

My warrior Caleb, My "Super C"
You make me smile and laugh bigger than anyone.  You have and continue to be my little.boy.joy.  And while 3 year old Caleb may have been particularly exhausting, exhaustion has never felt so good as we journey around the bend into yet another new and exciting season.  So, as we look out the window of 3 passing us by, I pray that you continue to grow, explore, and discover with a heart full of passion and energy!  Welcome, 4 (please be kind).


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