
5 years.happily married.  In some ways, this seems like a monumental occasion and in others, like we've barely scratched the surface.  And maybe both of these feelings are right in some respects.  In a day and age where we've all watched, often times in disbelief, as marriages crumble, I think every year (sometimes every day!) is a monumental occassion!  Potty training a toddler has made me realize that we don't celebrate enough.  When children are small, we celebrate the most mundane and sometimes silly things...yay, you went on the potty!  yay, you made it through the grocery store without a tantrum!  yay, you ate your "trees" (aka broccoli)!  And then somewhere along the journey of "growing up," we lose this sense of celebration...and I don't like it.  I had a beloved professor in college, Dr. Byrd, who encouraged us to bring food into class to share for any occassion we wanted to celebrate.  Of all academic and spiritual truths departed to me in college, this is one that I treasure the most!  Marriage is worth celebrating...I believe it helps keep the "happy" in a happy marriage.

Back in the day B.C. (Before.Caleb.) when we were welcomed into Bed & Breakfasts, my man and I used to make it a tradition to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with a B&B getaway. 
This was one of our favorite celebration get-aways for Kenny's birthday...
where my boys and I would find out something that would FOREVER change us...

Our current season of life doesn't quite fit into the quiet and quaint Bed & Breakfast mold, BUT we still believe in celebrating.  So last year, we took a day to visit the Baltimore Aquarium and dine at Cheesecake Factory (yeah, yeah, we are one of "those couples" who would rather take a trip we can take Caleb with than go somewhere without him!).  
circa Sept. 22, 2011
Anniversary 4

With Year Number 5 on the horizon this year, we thought this was deserving of a more substantial trip...and so I began to curiously google "NJ Beaches."  I was INSTANTLY drawn to Capy May, NJ, so we glanced at the calendar and Kenny took time off work just in case it worked out.  And I had my sister make other arrangements for her kids just in case it worked out.  The week of this sort-of-we-might-try-to-getaway-to-the-beach-to-celebrate-our-5-year-anniversary-trip "just in case it worked out" didn't seem like it was going to work out...

Kenny realized we had wire showing on one of the tires of the only vehicle we own (that's never good!).  About the same time Kenny was learning the fate of needing 4 new tires, I was scrambling to find a kennel for our 115 lb.-no-one-wants-to-dogsit-dog since our trusted kennel was booked.  I was ready to throw in the towel but that man of mine kept throwing out comments like, "I was really looking forward to going" and "I already have the time off work," putting a little glisten of hope that we might somehow pull this all off.

In a few hours on Wednesday morning, the different pieces of the puzzle began to connect - Kenny called at least a dozen different tire places to finally find someone who not only had the right size tires in stock but could also take us that day AND icing on the cake...they were the best quote of all (praise God!).  Meanwhile, I called the "Bank of Mom and Dad" for an interest-free loan.  I was also able to find an open spot willing to take our bear in just a few hours in another kennel recommended by my big bro.  Finally when I was on my way into work for the evening with Caleb and 4 fresh new tires, I decided that "just in case it worked out" was miraculously going to work out and I should probably book a room.  Now to just get through a few hours of work, get home and put C-man to bed, finish up work, and throw some things together for a whirlwind 24 hour beach trip...

When my head finally hit the pillow, I thought we were "in the clear" and "ready for takeoff" the next morning...until the next morning arrived.  And.I.woke.up.with.hives.  SERIOUSLY?  SERIOUSLY!  I was beginning to wonder if God didn't want us to take this trip...but at this point, we had already invested way more than we intended just to get there!

Sooooo I grabbed for the Zyrtec and off we went, and I.AM.SO.GLAD.WE.DID!

In true Coombs family fashion, we squeezed a ridiculous amount of activity in our very short adventure and somehow still managed to "rest."  It was the perfect way to celebrate our 5 whirlwind - hang on for the ride of your life - marriage.

and kisses on the beach.
All cleaned up for dinner at The Lobster House b/c
even a 24 hr beach trip deserves some seafood!
...followed by a little stroll down The Washington Street Mall for dessert.
Morning surrey ride around quaint Cape May.
Lovin ' breakfast oceanside at Uncle Bill's Pancake House
A little beach bird chasin'...
until they start chasing you!
Some beach photo shootin'

Lighthouse climbin'
On top of the world (..or the lighthouse)
A quick stop by the Cape May FREE Zoo (yes, FREE!).
It sure was a roarin' time...
 so much that C may have slept almost the entire 4 hour trip home from here!

As I write this entry in retrospect, I just have to laugh.  Kenny Coombs, there is seriously no one I'd rather spend this quirky unpredictable life with than you.  Thank you for sticking by me even on my "unlovable days."  As my Dad always says, "You are a saint for marrying her."  I'll be the first to admit that I can be hard to love sometimes, so today I celebrate the staying and growing power of our journey together.  I love you!

and am excited to see where the journey leads...


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