Real Life, Raw Monday

So I have to admit that I have become slightly Instagram-addicted recently.  There is just something about looking (and living) life through the lens of Instagram.  It's as though you are literally living in the pages of a nostalgic storybook.  There is something with the colors and the fading feature that just makes life look...gentle, simple, sweet.

Some days are Instagram-days.

And some days are Real Life-Raw-Monday days.

Blogging can be a little like this sometimes as well...we tend to want to blog about our Instagram-days...not Real Life-Raw-Monday days.  And well, let's just be honest...we do live in real life, not in Instagram (sometimes I have to remind myself this!).

So to keep things real, here is some Real Life Monday Raw Footage...continue at your own risk.

I knew today was off to a real great start when I heard the little bird chiriping through the monitor at an hour I didn't expect.  When you work from home, the hours your little one is sleeping are a precious, precious commodity to work efficiency.  Seriously, you should see me race through a to-do list in the morning - naptime - and nighttime hours.  It's the hours in between that get a little messy...ya know, the return-a-call-in-the-closet, write-notes-with-bath-crayons, cook-and-serve-breakfast-to-your-two-year-old-while-returning-emails-and-letting-the-dog-out kind of messy

Today, I fully expected to start this work week on a good foot considering C had a weekend of skipped naps and way-too-late-even-for-Caleb nights.  I FULLY expected I'd have some solid morning hours to get ahead...and with a weekend coming up of 2 big children's ministry events, I needed a good start!  Enter Mistake #1 before I ever even stepped out of bed...(one you think I would've learned by now) a mother, NEVER make FULL expectations of what is ahead. 

From there, all expectations were out the window...

Instead today, I spent some time on my hands and knees smelling the carpet for a little gift that Merrell left on our front walk and then trudged through and into the house...a little gift that blends right in with brown carpet (hence the hands and knees sniffer in the carpet move).

While I scrubbed the carpet, Caleb threw pillows at me, and I never did put them back right onto the couch.

We were going to carve a pumpkin tonight until the Merrell fiasco happened leaving us late to celebrate Abbie Doodle's 3rd birthday cake and singing celebration!  So, the pumpkin is sitting on top of the washing machine cleaned out but uncarved...

Inside the washing machine was a load of Caleb's laundry that I may have sent through the rinse cycle for the 3rd time today since actually putting it in the washer on Friday (and repeatedly forgetting to put it in the dryer).

This is the remnants of Caleb's dinner...that he ate at 9:00 PM when most toddlers his age are well into Dreamland.  Since we were late to celebrate Abbie, we never did eat dinner (remember I was scrubbing carpet when I should have been cooking dinner).

Here are some groceries that still need put away...

Some toys that still haven't found their home tonight...

And the dishes have moved their way into overflow parking since the counter beside the sink is already full...

I carried Caleb literally kicking and screaming from a park...and his cousin's house tonight.

Oh, and that to-do's still daunting at midnight, and one of those items = lead staff devotions.  Yes, you got it - one weary, broken momma up to lead devotions for a staff that contains 4 ordained pastors (and I just remember there will be a visiting pastor from Cuba joining us tomorrow).
In fact, today didn't even give me time to make my full To-Do list.

Here's hoping there's nothing a few roasted pumpkin seeds and some prayer can't fix...if I could only find some wax paper to actually roast these seeds.

Oh, and just because I'm a glass-half-full kind of person, even Real Life-Raw-Monday Days have a few Instagram moments.

Dear, Tuesday,

Please be gentle.
Monday has left this Momma fragile.


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