
So as I mentioned, I'm one all for "New Year Resolutions!" What can I say...I'm a big dreamer and there is just something motivating about a fresh start. Assessing 2010's Resolutions, there were a few that I was fabulously successful with...and well, some others that I just as fabulously failed at! But hey, I'll give those another shot in 2011...

And well, one goal of mine is to blog more frequently b/c here I am looking at January on the calendar - the month we will celebrate our baby turning 1 YEAR OLD - and I can't believe where the time has gone. My baby boy is morphing into a little boy before my very eyes, and I just don't want to forget a second of this journey...the joys, the frustrations, all of it! So here is to more frequent blog posting...

Now I know this may mean I may have to leave out a few details (haha - if you haven't been able to tell, I tell verrrry detailed stories and feel like I'm slighting people when I leave out a few...) BUT this will enable me to get more written down.captured.

And so today, as I was driving home on my lovely 40 minute drive from work...I was inspired with a blog post. (Isn't it funny how our generation "thinks" in blogpost and facebook statuses?) Anyhow, the inspiration today is about God's provision...

Right now, what I should be doing is paying the bills...buuuuut I often dread that like a plague b/c somehow I end up staring blankly at the computer screen playing a juggling game, trying to get the numbers to work out. It frustrates me to the core. And December is always a hard month to follow...

So instead tonight, I'm choosing to focus on God's provision. I often feel like God "speaks" to me in echoes, and after I see the same theme over and over, I finally catch on! And today, provision was that resounding echo...

This morning in staff meeting, countless stories of tangible provision were shared...from Secret Santas to the most fitting Sermon Material...beautiful stories were shared. Just a month ago or so, we had good friends who were blessed with a vehicle (from another set of good friends). just.simply.overwhelmingly.blessed.

Later today, on that beautiful 40 minute drive, I was listening to the Christian radio station when a man called in with a prayer need for his family who was evicted from their home on New Year's Eve. One song later and another lady who overheard this man's story and had the connections to ministries and organizations that could help him called in to share. coincidence? I think not. We'll call that "Godincidence."

And well, we have our own Christmas story of provision this year, our own "Godincidence"...

Kenny and I were struggling with very colliding, packed full schedules. While we were incredibly thankful for the job opportunity given to Kenny for these past few years, the daily 1 1/2 hour (w/ no traffic) round-trip commute was beginning to have wear on more than the car! So literally just days after really prayerfully committing to seek something more local, we got word that there was a full time position open at the bank that is right down the street from us. What a "Godincidence" and tangible sign to us that He was hearing our yearnings! And well, let's be honest - local job opportunities like that are few and far between in the booming metropolis of Liverpool that we live in (hehe!). Kenny interviewed, we prayerfully waited, and the week before Christmas got word that he was offered the job. This was a fabulous Christmas gift...to have him local and home at a decent hour is incredibly exciting. And this should also free up some time for him to pursue more seriously his passion and gift for photography and design (so be on the lookout for developments to come soon!). God.is.simply.SO.good.

And sooooo, I guess I should not delay the inevitable any longer...time for blank stares and juggling acts. But I do so with the fresh reminder that God's economy is not like ours...somehow even though those numbers keep coming up short, God provides. We are ridiculously blessed. And here comes a glimpse of another New Year's Goal...this year, I'd like to be ridiculously generous - to be a tangible glimpse to others that God.is.simply.SO.good.

And about needing to blog with less detail in order to blog more frequently? Let's face it - I just don't think I'm capable, so I guess I'm just going to have to stay up later in order to stick to this New Year's Resolution...but that somehow collides with another resolution to go to bed earlier. Hmmm...going to have to work on this. Happy Resolutions to You! :)


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