A Whirlwind of Memory Makin' Days!

December - a month of preparations and celebrations - and to be quite honest, I absolutely LOVE it! While it can be exhausting at times, I almost wish that we met every month with such anticipation and excitement...such awe and JOY! Maybe I'll make that a New Year's goal of mine...to meet every month (or better yet, every day!) with such joy.

And to add to the excitement...this was the first time Caby got to experience it all. Seriously, does it get any better than baby's 1sts?

While I can only imagine how fun Christmases will be when Caleb actually understands what is going on, I do have to admit this one was super special...the way his eyes lit up when we finallllly set up, lit up, and decorated our tree for good (now that's a blog post all of it's own!); the way he pointed 100 times a day at the tree and the greens and lights in the big bay window; his awe at the candles and music at his first Christmas Eve service while he double-fisted glowsticks; his confusion...which quickly turned to excitment at his first glimpse of presents under the tree...

And we went with a Radio Flyer classic theme this Christmas...

Cabe's got to try out his "new wheels" - the ULTIMATE family wagon - this weekend and LOVED it!!!!

(is it just me or is he suddenly looking like a little boy?)

It was just a dreamy day...just.plain.simple.and.special.

And while I don't think he'll remember much of his "1st Christmas" that we make such a big hoopla about - I do think this is the time we start making a precedent of Christmases to come. I'm one for tradition. Love it. Traditions from my childhood have certainly marked me for life (thanks Mom and Dad), and I want to provide experiences for Caleb like this. So...when we got home from Christmas Eve service, we all gathered around the tree and opened our comfy new jammies.
(Caleb loved the jammies tradition and was sure to give everyone's new PJ's a snuggle!)

And once we were all adorned in our new pj's, we attempted to read the Christmas story to Caleb through all of his tired fidgets. And the next morning, we simply basked in the joy of family...stayed in our pj's most of the day - ignored the dishes and laundry - and just played.

(and napped too!)

Santa's elves even delivered breakfast to our doorstep! It was a truly.wonderful.day. It was one for the memory books for sure...

And now here I sit, 11:00 on New Year's Eve...pretty sure I won't be awake to ring in the new year. Wow - how 2010 has changed me! But really - isn't every year a lifechanger? Let's take a look back at the past few...
2006 - Graduate college, started in full time ministry, got engaged
2008 - Bought, fixed up, and moved into our first home
2009 - We're going to have a baby!!!!!!!!
2010 - Caleb Kenneth Coombs - greatest.gift.ever.

Ah, my sweet Caleb...you truly are the sweetest gift...
I can remember 2 years ago sitting in one of the many Christmas Eve services by myself (Kenny was playing drums and I had just finished up the service I had leadership in). An amazing vocalist was singing "A Baby Changes Everything," and as I sat there by myself, I was completely moved to tears. I.wanted.a.baby.so.badly. Fast forward to Christmas Eve the next year 2009, there I was pregnant as ever waddling my way through the services dreaming of what next Christmas would be like when we would be graced with our little one. ...and here we are, memories made.saying farewell to 2010. God is SO GOOD!

2010...a sweet year...probably best and most challening all rolled into one! A growing year. And as I look at 2010 in the rearview, I look with anticipation to 2011...

I love a fresh beginning. I'm a fan of resolutions...of some good, solid goal-setting. I'm excited to see what God has got up his sleeve this year...He's been so good, so faithful...so my friends, live and love well in 2011 :)


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